I Miss my Pigeons

I used to feed pigeons on the roof of my building, but I had to stop due to landlord complaints, and the expense. The pigeons would wait for me every day and it broke my heart when I knew they’d be waiting in vain. Sob. I took this picture of a pigeon on my roof a couple of weeks ago and I thought I had already posted it. I love it because it looks like a painting.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “I Miss my Pigeons

  1. Oh yes, a nice painting, I agree. Those orange “feet” would be such a focal point I think. Plus he/she looks so regal! Flying through the air must be bliss!

    I’d be crying too if I knew they were waiting for their dinner and you’re a no show! But I guess you can’t take on such a big responsibility in a city setting where there are hundreds of them and only one of you. 🙂 They found other resources I’m sure.

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