Waiting For My Cats to Die: A Memoir

A wonderful, wonderful person named Christine Gourin posted these words about my book, Waiting For My Cats to Die: A Memoir, along with a picture of her gorgeous cat! (I have a soft spot for orange cats.) Thank you, Christine!!

“I will always have this book on my shelf. This memoir is funny, poignant, and insightful. It’s like hanging out with a funny, cleverer friend. With a point. Instead of waiting for my cats to die – to move on, so my “real” life can begin- I learned to love the life I have, fall in love with everyone and everything a little, and add the little bits and pieces and in-between moments of glory up. And it becomes enough. There’s so much beauty in the small things, and it makes a life.”

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Waiting For My Cats to Die: A Memoir

  1. I couldn’t agree with her more and what a great picture of her cat! I adored that book Stacy and have my own copy on my bookshelf. I need to read it again! 🙂

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