Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Virus and the City: Graves

  1. That looks ancient, but beautiful! It must feel very peaceful to walk by such an old graveyard.

  2. It’s totally morbid, but we’ve taken to walking in a couple of big cemeteries in our area. They have nice paths, it’s interesting to read the stones, and there’s nobody else there (unlike our parks and nature preserves, which are jammed). The kids take it pretty well, but I’ve noticed if you pack cookies and juice boxes for snacks, the kids are okay with wherever you end up eating them. I like to think of it as Adaptability Training, which is probably only going to become more necessary. 🙂

    Beautiful photo, by the way. We didn’t see many of those gravestones in NYC but we saw a cemetery in Boston with a ton of them. Scary, old, but really beautiful in their own way.

  3. That’s interesting about your kids. I was always attracted to graveyard though, even as a child. (But that’s different from treating it as any other place.)

    Rebecca, it was quiet the other day, but normally Trinity is a very bustling place. It sits at the bottom of Wall Street, it’s a very busy area. Still, the graveyard does manage to have a different feel to it even though it’s in the midst of all that activity.

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