Silicon Alley Talent Show

In 1998 a bunch of us organized what we called The Silicon Alley Talent Show. It was mostly for fun, and I had a great time. My “talent” was playing with the band I was a member of, The Manhattan Samba Group. I’ve set this up to where I first appear. I’m the one with bangs, and my hair up.

I don’t know why I wasn’t smiling much! The only thing I can think of is playing like this does take a lot of concentration, and the leader is constantly giving us visual signals about what we should be doing. Here is the full line-up of performers if you’d like to watch more of this video. It’s a real who’s who of people working in new media at the time:

Performers & judges include:

John Perry Barlow, EFF
Marisa Bowe, Word
Red Burns, ITP
Jason McCabe Calacanis, Silicon Alley Reporter
The Feed Band
Peter Girardi & Chris Capuozzo, Funny Garbage
Stacy Horn, ECHO
Jaime Levy, Electronic Hollywood
Nicholas Negroponte, MIT Media Lab
Rebecca Odes, gURL
Alice Rodd O’Rourke, NYNMA
Kyle Shannon,
Omar Wasow, NY Online
Tom Watson, @NY

MC: The Great Fredini, formerly of the Coney Island Circus Sideshow

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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