What Would Tim Gunn Do?

My big yearly “Holiday Cleaning” is coming up, and one thing I try to do every year is pare down my clothes to things I actually wear and are flattering.

I never succeed.  I’m also hampered by the fact that money is tight, so it’s not like I can replace what I get rid of.

But I would love to have a closet full of only good things that make me feel pretty, and I’m okay with having very few choices in there as long as they are all good ones.

So that is the goal this month.  Be brave.  Be ruthless.

There’s not a lot of color in there.  That has to be addressed. That blue shirt on the right?  The color looks great on me, but I’m not sure the style works.  I think it has to go even though it’s one of the few spots of color.

Sigh.  I wish Tim Gunn would help me.  (For the record, I love Stacy and Clinton, and Finola Huges, too.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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