Calling Con Ed is not Alway Effective

I’m reading now that there are two people missing after the explosion in the East Village. For the record, calling Con Ed will not always help. I know I’ve posted about this many times, but I had to call Con Ed for three months to get them to respond to a gas leak in my building. I kept track of every phone call (and letter). This is the Cliff Notes version. There were many phone calls in-between.

10/7/07: I call Con End and report a gas leak. They come and tell me there’s no leak. Many phone calls later …
12/29/07: Con Ed finally agrees there’s a leak and turns off the gas to my apartment.
12/31/07: I continue to smell gas though and call Con Ed. Con Ed says I’m mistaken. I call the landlord, the EPA and HPD. No help.
1/8/08: I call 311 who calls the FDNY who uses their own device, and they agree there is still a gas leak and they call Con Ed who finally shut off the gas to the entire building. The leak was in an apartment in the middle of the building, not mine.

In other words, it took Con Ed three months to properly respond and only because the FDNY conducted the right tests, apparently.

This was from a demonstration yesterday on the steps of the former courthouse across the street from the Municipal Archives. It houses some sort of school now (among other things) and the students were protesting I’m not sure what because they were standing in front of their sign. But I saw signs about segregation and “Black students matter.”

Tweed Courthouse Demonstration, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Calling Con Ed is not Alway Effective

  1. Glad you are okay. When I saw the building explosion on the news, I thought about you. Wasn’t sure how close that was to where you live.

    That’s terrible about the slow response time for gas leaks. I have one of those plug-in gas detectors and it went off once. I called the local gas utility, and a guy was here within the hour. He had a detector, and didn’t find a leak. However, he inspected my plug-in, said it was becoming defective and gives off the alarm when going bad. I replaced it. Scary though.

  2. Very scary! The explosion was in the East Village, and I live in the West Village, a 15 minute walk away. Friends in the neighborhood over there tell me they’ve got the whole area roped off for blocks, like way past where the explosions were. I feel for the businesses.

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