Some Days It’s Hard to Get Started

FinnWindow.jpg Me and Finn, taking it easy. I got up and out to the gym, but I’ve just been sitting here ever since, not doing much of anything. Should be writing. What have I done instead?

– Looked at cats for adoption on Catster.
– Watched the original pilot for Buffy the Vampire Slayer on YouTube.

– Looked at groceries to buy on Fresh Direct, then decided to pass.
– Watch the Big Brother feeds, but Mike Boogie is doing all the talking and he’s boring and an ass, so I turned it off.

Successful test with Paymentech!
Updated Echo’s website.
Finally got a handle on the Annapolis speech.
Big Brother, nice but short visit with Howard, the soap that Clive’s mother made.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Some Days It’s Hard to Get Started

  1. I’m glad I started watching Buffy midway through the first season. I don’t think the pilot is particularly strong- it’s like Joss was trying to distance himself from the movie while trying to setup the premise of the show. If I had watched the pilot when it aired, I’m not sure I would have continued watching the series. Imagine how tragic that would have been!

    I do think it interested Darla became such an interesting character later on…

  2. That’s what happened to me! I watched the pilot and passed! If it wasn’t for my friends insisting so strongly that I give it another try, yeah. I don’t want to even imagine the horror. Oh God.

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