What’s with the fighter jets flying over NYC??

Normally, when fighter jets are going to fly over New York City we get a warning. We’re rather sensitive about low-flying planes in these parts. But for the past few days I’ve heard them zoom past at least two or three times a day, and we haven’t gotten any word about what is happening. The lack of word is very unnerving. What don’t they want us to know?

I walked to Central Park and back yesterday, to have a visit with a choir friend. That was great, and much needed. And I got a present of homemade pumpkin bread! The city is still basically empty, but it was a lovely day and there was a little bit more activity. The military were present in Times Square, mostly Navy. It looked like a photo-op.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “What’s with the fighter jets flying over NYC??

  1. Probably no reason to be alarmed.

    The military jets are likely flying over NYC to honor the heroes of the medical profession fighting COVID-19 and saving lives in hospitals. The Navy’s Blue Angels and the Air Force Thunderbirds flew over NYC late last month.

    It’s the trend everywhere in the USA: military jets flying over hospitals.

    Here in Oregon the Oregon Air National Guard plans to fly over every hospital in the state over a two week period to honor the medical professionals. Yesterday they began by flying over the hospitals in the Portland area and in southwest Washington. On Memorial Day the Air Guard will fly over 15 hospitals from Portland to the California border. They published a schedule of times for the flyovers.

  2. That was the only thing that made it alarming. They always tell us in advance when there’s going to be a flyover. So, if we weren’t told, that would seem to indicate it wasn’t planned. A little unnerving. I love to see them though, with advance warning.

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