
I’ve been walking the same four blocks every day for more than a week in order to describe them for this proposal I’m writing.  This is all for what is going to amount to four paragraphs probably!  But they will be my favorite four paragraphs I’ve ever written.  I’m trying to do something I’ve always wanted to do, which is show New York City through my crazy-colored-glasses.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Nature

  1. That’s what you already are doing. That’s why we (I) keep reading your blog. Thanks.

  2. Yay!!! Where can I pre-order my copy?
    But I also agree with Tom, I live a New York life vicariously through your blog.

  3. Oh, I love the idea that I am giving people glimpses of what New York is like.

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