– The rug gets picked up for cleaning today.
– The window cleaners come on May 7th.
– I’m arranging for someone to paint the bathroom. (I really should do this myself, it’s insane. The room is so tiny.)
– I had the couch recently cleaned because I spilled something (or did the cat throw up on it?) so I’m going to see if I can stretch that out and not get it done until next Spring, I’ll save a little $$$.
– The 8th and the 9th will be my major stay home and clean all day and night days.
– As usual, along with cleaning, my goal will be to get rid of things. I’m the opposite of the Collyer Brothers. I hate accumulating and yet it keeps happening.
– Then I will treat myself to some personal sprucing up things, like a pedicure, etc.
– Then, a couple of weeks later I will have a birthday, and hopefully in my freshly spruced-up apartment, my freshly spruced up self who has a new book coming out next year won’t feel so bad about being another FREAKING year older.
I forget what block this is (BECAUSE I’M OLD) but it’s either 11th Street or 10th. I think. I’m pretty sure.
Can I book you for the 10th and 11th?
Ha. I love Spring cleaning. It fills me with hope and the promise of a fresh start.