My Pare Down Project is complete and I own a lot less stuff. It feels great! I’ve been putting things down on the street to give away, and it always amazes me how quickly it disappears. The last thing I brought down was a box full of smaller stuff, figuring people would look through it and take what they wanted, but someone walked away with the whole box, minutes later. Greedy!
I took this the other day, on my way to the library. This was from a major fire on Greenwich Street that destroyed Village Paper, a party store that’s been there for … decades at least. I’m pretty sure I’ve been buying all my party supplies there since I moved here (1982, I think it was).
Congrats on the pare-down. Always a feeling of freedom when done well! I’ve been working on that since husband died 4 years ago. Had two barns, a garage and big house crammed full of ‘stuff’ at that time. Have moved twice now, and each time I weed out more and more. I’ve decided I’ll make it an annual spring tradition — lose everything that is not essential! And I always give away the extras, never sell it. One person’s trash is another’s treasure!
A sad story but a great photo none the less. There is something so… what? about a city shot with no sky. Really nice.
Oh, interesting, yeah.
Cara, this is a spring tradition of mine, but I jumped the gun after watching a couple of episodes of hoarders.
Wow, Village Paper gone? One more shred of my old beloved downtown… I used to go in there often. Congratulations on the pare-down, though. It must feel really satisfying.
I know, isn’t it sad about Village Paper? I hope they rebuild.