Then and Now

The block where I live, in 1940. I live in the tallest building. You can’t see it, but the sign on the truck say brewing company. So those barrels are full of beer?


The block where I live, 66 years later. I didn’t get the angle exactly right, and unfortunately, they’re doing work on the house to the left of mine. But you get the idea. It’s almost exactly the same except we’ve got Ginkgo trees all over. I live in the top floor of what’s still the tallest building. That air conditioner is mine!


They took pictures of every building in New York starting in the 1930’s. It was to help them assess taxes. You can get a copy of the picture of your building, or any building you like, from the Municipal Archives. It’s not cheap, $30 plus $4 for shipping, (you can go there and save yourself the shipping charge) but if you can afford it, it’s nice to have. All the information you need is here.

Conducted Paymentech test, there were problems, alas.
Deleted old directories on the web server.
Went to gym, picked up catfood.
Potato chips, the cats at the Cat Practice, email about a possible article.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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