Short Hair!

I was going through all my old video tapes the night before last, looking for footage of that First Night thing I was talking about in an earlier post, when I came across an interview with me in short hair. I love it!! It’s hard to tell what it looks like in this picture of my tv screen.

This was around 15 years ago though, so God knows if it would still look good. Also, I went to a guy who charges something over $300 for a haircut. Insane I know, but he was worth every penny. What are the chances that anyone I can afford now will be able to recreate this cut?

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “Short Hair!

  1. I think ya might a gone a little overboard with the make up tho. (Just trying to be helpful. 🙂 )

  2. I don’t have any make-up on! (Oh, where you making a joke?)

    Yeah, I can’t spend $300. There’s a program I’m in through the Bumble & Bumble salons where I can get a free haircut by students. I did it once and it came out well — the teachers constantly check the students work. Maybe I’ll do it through that.

  3. It looks great on you! Why not try it again? Bring a copy to those students and let them earn their grades. We’ll be waiting!

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