Isight After Version


I just realized I can use my Isight camera to take an “After” snapshot. I also just realized for the first time that the Isight camera reverses left and right. Weird. Why is that? It’s freaking me out, when I look at the before and after shots.

Anyway, that’s my new TV!! I smiled practically all the way through CSI last night, it was so gorgeous in high definition. (Hey, you can see me in the screen, taking the shot.) Actually, you can’t really tell the size of this thing in this photograph. I need another picture with me standing beside it, so you can see how it dwarfs me. You know how you can tell? Look at the chair. Imagine a person in that chair. That kinda gives you an idea of how big this TV is.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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One thought on “Isight After Version

  1. only you could get so excited over a tv…..and here i have my piddling 13″ purse size model stuffed in the back of the hall closet. did you see “good luck, and good night” for edward r. murrow’s dire prediction for television?

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