Countdown until I Go Home

Five more days! Until I’m back on Perry Street where I belong. I looked for pictures of my block. This is Perry Street one block East. Much nicer than my block. This is where they shot Carrie’s apartment for Sex and the City. (Their crews where the nicest crews. TV and film crews can be miserable to have around, but theirs were alway polite and fun.)


Here’s Perry Street all the way West. It’s the worst part of Perry Street since these towers went up.


I couldn’t find my block so here’s a shot inside. Kinda cluttery, I know. I do my best. I’m not even a hoarder, I’m a thrower-outer. But you live in one place long enough, things accumulate. (Am I repeating myself? I think I already said the exact same thing here in an earlier post.)


I’ve started a list of things to do when I get back:

Fix glasses (stepped on my favorite glasses the first week here).
Home Spa Day (I need some sprucing up).
Backup iBook (forgot to bring a back up device for one of my computers).
Healthy snacks (been od’ing on Smarties here, my comfort food).
Buy weights (I got into working out!).
Look into gyms (see above).
Go to Lush store (Bath Bombs!!).
Hair cut (need desparately).
Go to Met, Moma, hit the Chelsea galleries (not something I do a lot when I’m actually there, but I feel the need).
Laundry and dry cleaning (needs no explanation).
Walk to Battery Park bench (I have a favorite spot to sit downtown).
Take cats for dental work (poor things).

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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