A Video That Isn’t My Cats

I have been just so plain miserable lately I hardly recognize myself. I went to the library today, because I love going to the library and I thought it would cheer me up. But I got motion sickness from the microfilm machines. It happens sometimes. I had to go home.

So, I’m back at home on a rainy day, trying to amuse myself. This is the tiny piano I bought to help find the trickier notes in the more difficult pieces my choir performs. It’s too small to play like a piano and there aren’t enough keys, but here is a tiny part of the piece that was always my favorite to play, Beethoven’s Sonata Pathetique. Normally, it should be played like a bat out of hell, but I haven’t played in many, many, MANY years so my bat-out-of-hell tempo playing abilities are rusty.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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One thought on “A Video That Isn’t My Cats

  1. I so much want to console you, but how?

    Do you think it’s the blahs from the shifting light? October is always a weird month for me — I love, love, love the crisp fall air & changing leaves, and the gardener in me is full of optimism and anticipation for the coming spring, but there’s this sadness underneath it all. One of my friends, a psych nurse, says she thinks it’s the waning light, early winter blahs.

    What I love about you as a writer is your unflinching acceptance of the entire range of human emotions. Miserable sucks, but it does give perspective to the range.

    Wishing you gentle beauty today….

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