“Curiouser and curiouser!”

Heinz.jpg I’m sure most people already know, but just in case, that quote is from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, one of my favorite books. And this is a 1660’s painting of a cabinet of curiosity by Johann Georg Heinz.

I’d never even heard of cabinets of curiosities until I read this great escapist, but smart book by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child called The Cabinet Of Curiosities. I might have mentioned these two before. I’m on the last book of a series that they wrote together. I’ve enjoyed them all, but I would only recommend The Cabinet Of Curiosities and another called Brimstone. But I would recommend them very very very highly.

Cabinets of curiosities were basically collections of objects by amateur scientists that were opened up to the public. Here’s a description on Wikipedia. The more bizarre the man, the more bizarre the cabinet.

Which reminds me, before I forget, I saw Pan’s Labyrinth. I didn’t really care for it! It’s the highest rated movie on Metacritic, but while there were some things I liked, it wasn’t complicated enough for me, and the fantasy elements weren’t convincing somehow. I don’t want to say much more and spoil it for anyone else.

Last, I have become completely obsessed with American Idol. I only just started watching a season or two ago, but man. What a fun obsession. Maybe I’ll post about it tomorrow. But if anyone knows a great American Idol blog, please tell me. I like this blog, Hold Your Applause. He writes about more than American Idol, but it’s worth checking out.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on ““Curiouser and curiouser!”

  1. I wonder if the 1920 German film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” was in any way inspired by these much older cabinets of curiosities, since I think the evil doctor in the film is touring ‘curiosities’ at a carnival when the film begins. Apparently this is the first horror film.

    A very funny and *very cynical* bulletin board relating to the American Idol franchise machine is votefortheworst.com —But you have to be prepared for the dark side of AI.

    I always read it after each episode.

  2. I wonder if the 1920 German film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” was in any way inspired by these much older cabinets of curiosities, since I think the evil doctor in the film is touring ‘curiosities’ at a carnival when the film begins. Apparently this is the first horror film.

    A very funny and *very cynical* bulletin board relating to the American Idol franchise machine is votefortheworst.com —But you have to be prepared for the dark side of AI.

    I always read it after each episode.

  3. I heard about votefortheworst.com I have to go look now. And I will bet that the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was a cabinet of curiosities. Now I have to see it (I’m not sure if I ever have).

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