My Spring Day

Movies.jpg I took this picture at the movies last week, when I saw Year of the Dog, which I didn’t really enjoy, I’m sorry to say. I’d love to recommend it, and if anyone was the audience for this movie I was, but it made me feel bad.

So here I am, on what is supposed to be a lovely day in the 70’s, planning my day and I’m thinking movies. What is wrong with me?? But the guys who made Shaun of the Dead, one of my favorite movies, have a new movie out called Hot Fuzz, and really, there are so many others to see as well, and I must catch up. It’s my job. Okay, it’s not my job.

I’m in a good mood because I’m working on a chapter about the haunting of the Morris-Jumel Mansion in Harlem. At one point I thought I might be writing a book about this, so all the research is already done. I’ve edited what I have down to only the best parts, and it’s a killer chapter, and, because I had already done all the research, it feels like I got a chapter for free.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “My Spring Day

  1. Hey Stacy, Just wanted to let you know we have arrived in New York, and yes it is a lovely day in the 70’s!
    Thanks again for your suggestions. Tomorrow will be dawn to dusk walking 🙂

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