Thank you, Cori and Jimmy!

cj.jpg These are my friends Cori and Jimmy and they took me to a movie (Knocked Up) and dinner (the fabulous place that we all love and can never remember the name of) for my birthday! We passed by the peace sign on the way so I checked the back for the artist’s name this time but no go.

Thank you, Cori and Jimmy!! That was so nice of you guys. OH, and because Jimmy complained to the management about our horrible movie service (they started the wrong movie, 28 Weeks Later, which I’m going to see next Friday so I had to close my eyes and cover my ears and no air conditioning) we got free movie tickets, so I am going to get to see another movie on Jimmy and Cori!

Oh god. Today is my birthday. I am offically freaking OLD. No, oldER than freaking old, because I was freaking old last year. Thank god I’m CUTE.

So today, movies all day I think. Although, I kinda want to lay around and read non-book related stuff. I’m reading Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and it’s stupendous. It is also, embarrassingly, an Oprah pick, but that’s not why I am reading it!! It has a post-apocalyptic setting and as anyone can tell you, I love a post-apocalyptic setting. I’d given Cormac McCarthy a try way back, with All The Pretty Horses, but I couldn’t get into it. This I can.

What to do, what to do. Oh! I should go open my e-birthday card. My sister-in-law Karen has been sending me cards everyday for the past few days. Very sweet and funny. Thank you, Karen and family! HAHAHA. Today was kittens singing me happy birthday!!! Ha! Perfect. Have Satan’s fur puppets Finney and Buddy noted my birthday in any way?? They have not.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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10 thoughts on “Thank you, Cori and Jimmy!

  1. Stacy, Happy Birthday! Enjoy your “gift of time”. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Happy Birthday, Stacy! (My two boys Henry and Murphy never do anything special for my birthdays, either, the little ingrates.)

  3. Happy Birthday, Stacy! I’m glad you didn’t see 28 Weeks Later on such a mellow day — it’s really scary! Enjoy the rest of your movieful afternoon!

    -Erin (Brett’s gf)

  4. Happy Birthday Cute Person…and modest too!

    Glad I found you…it is great to read your musings. I wish you many more wonderful birthdays, movies, books and good looks.


  5. Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes! I loved coming back here and finding a new post wishing me a happy birthday!

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