Thank you, Jackie!

Belle1.jpg Chris sent this to show that I am not the only one with a pet possessed by the devil. This is her dog Belle, with a haircut, and in the throes of demon infestation. Is that her tongue — oh no! It’s something she’s chewing on, right? But yes, I see it’s true. Belle is clearly evil. (Belle is a little tasmanian devil, actually. You have to see her. A little whirling dervish speed demon of a dog. It’s very cute. It’s like she is running on a motor of accelerated love.)

Jackie sent me a new banner. Thank you, Jackie! I am very happy with the new name. I love my little Satan’s Fur Puppets.

I just finished Willa Cather’s My Antonia, and that was a real pleasure I must say. I’m going to pick up some more Cather when I’m out today. There’s nothing like a new author to love.

Doesn’t this coming up week feel like a vacation week? Like we shouldn’t work at all, all week? It feels that way to me. Normally I watch the fireworks from my roof, but this year I think I might walk over to the river to watch, like I used to when I was younger, and wanted to be right there in the thick of it. Nothing else would do.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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