Bunheads was cancelled. I am in mourning.

I don’t think I’ve missed two days of blogging ever. My every waking moment has been consumed with: sell books. It’s exhausting. But wonderful that I get a chance to step up to the plate and take a swing. Thank you universe, thank you Algonquin Books, thank you Choral Society of Grace Church. All the rest of you: please buy my book. Thank you.

People who know more about tv: is there any chance that Bunheads could be picked up by another network? What can we do to make this happen?

I forget where I found this photograph. The caption says it was taken in 1910, and it’s South Ridgewood Avenue in Daytona Beach, Florida. I want to go back in time and live there. This is my Willoughby. I’ll bet there are still places down south that look like this, no?

Daytonna Beach, FL, 1910

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Bunheads was cancelled. I am in mourning.

  1. Too bad about Bunheads – I’ve never seen it (I’m in Canada) but I trust your taste in TV shows.
    But more importantly, how did your presentation go last night??? Any pics or video? Did you ask the audience to sing?

  2. The area between Charleston & Kiawah Island, SC, looks a lot like this.

    And so very sad about Bunheads. This does not bode well for the new Whedon series…I’d had hopes that ABC would be a better network.

  3. It was Shorpy!! Thank you, it totally was Shorpy.

    Now I want to go to Charleston & Kiawah Island, SC.

    And yes, terrible about Bunheads, but DON’T SAY THAT ABOUT THE WHEDON SERIES!!

    Nora, the presentation went well! But I completely forgot to take pictures. I was nervous about doing well. I considered asking the audience to sing, I was going to teach them a round, but the audience was too small. If anyone was in the least bit shy it would have been too exposed, so I didn’t try it.

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