Echo’s New Home

Moved.jpg We accomplished the move in three hours. That’s a record. I was so sick with worry and it went fine. Thank you Howard, Jonathan and Hadley!! We’re now at Digital Providers, which is faster, and I was not expecting that. Very nice side benefit.

So now I really feel like Miller/Disneyworld time. I handed in my book, got Echo moved, life is good. I’m going to get a little more work done today, catch up on my email, and then relax. Sigh, sigh, sigh. I really do feel good. I was just so anxious. Life upheaval does that to one.

I think I will grocery shop and run a few errands and then come home and practice the banjo and cook. It would be cool if I actually learn a song and then I can have a before/after movie thing. The before would be the one I already posted, of me strumming a G chord totally wrong, and then maybe an after with me doing it right and singing some great folk song. This guy who I’m learning from on YouTube, Patrick Costello–who is a saint, and who has a wonderful father, I’m going to write him today–puts up a Folksong a Day on YouTube. I can try to learn one of those.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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