My Poor Editors

Blue.jpg I’m going through the line edits for my book and every once in a while I’ll read an instruction from them that goes something along the lines of, “Please tell us, in one sentence only” something something something. What they’re battling is my love of going into a lot of detail when something is interesting to me.

My poor editors. But I have to laugh whenever they say it. I know exactly what they’re talking about. I fight it, but it’s an ongoing battle. Forgive me. I’m doing my best.

My Last Ten Days of Accomplishments aka The Reasons Why I Can Stop Working Now and Watch The Host:


Emailed FBI with specifics.
Set up Richard Sanders interview.
Emailed everyone about name server change.


Paid rent.
Made decision about the zoo.
Worked on choir piece.


Did a New York Cares volunteer gig.
Worked on choir piece.


Went to the gym.
Emailed Sally.
Worked on choir pieces.


Finished this month’s billing (Echo people).
Followed up on domain name server change.
Called landlord.


Updated Restless blog.
Decent walk.


Worked on epilogue.
Got caught up in email.
Worked on taxes.


Went to the gym.
Emailed Art about interviews.
Started working on the line edits.


Worked more on line edits.
Did my heavy lifting errands, litter and catfood.
More tax work.


Got Sanders interview questions ready.
Went to make-up choir rehearsal.
Dealt more with mail problem.


Finished line edits for chapter two!!

(The picture is of another great dress in the window of Bergdorf’s.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

View all posts by Stacy Horn →

4 thoughts on “My Poor Editors

  1. Good list.
    I want that dress. I think you should make a little collage/art board with all the spring dresses you have photographed. They would look great all together…

  2. I love this. I’m hoping one of your next books will be photos & essays. Photos of stuff you find in people’s basements, and essays about how you came to be in their basement. That kind of thing.

  3. I would love to work on a book like that, though. I have to talk to my agent.

    Nadine, there are just so many pretty Spring dresses in all the world I’ve been watching Full Frontal Fashion and just dying of fashion longing.

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