Jean Cocteau’s Beauty and the Beast

It’s one of my favorite movies of all time. A while ago I uploaded a picture I took that reminded me of the statues from the movie. I had tried to find a picture from the movie so you could see the resemblance, but I couldn’t find one. But thanks to, I have one now. So here is the statue, followed by the shot I took, I think on 10th Street.


This is another still from the movie. I was so mesmorized by this particular scene I wrote a poem inspired by it when I was in college. I was going to try to find the poem, but I’m sure it’s really bad. I was a college student! Didn’t we all write bad poetry then? But look at this. Gorgeous. Beauty is floating down a corridor in the castle of the Beast. The curtains float up before and after her as she glides by. It was just stunning. I’m going to upload some more stills tomorrow, I think. I could have written a poem about every scene. In fact, ever since I’ve wished I could have a bedroom like Beauty’s bedroom at the castle. It was an enchanted jungle, like a room that was both outside and inside.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Jean Cocteau’s Beauty and the Beast

  1. I’ve never seen this film. Must put it on my list.
    I remember you mentioning MBSR in a post from awhile back. I am practicing Vipassana meditation. Just 15 minutes a day right now, trying to focus on my breath instead of the talk radio that is constantly on in the background of my head 🙂 I sort of approach meditation like I approach broccoli… I don’t really know what it does or how it works, and I can’t really feel a difference if I do or don’t, but somehow I trust that it is good for me, so I keep adding it to my daily diet 🙂
    And just for the record, Waiting for my Cats to Die remains one of my favourite books of all time, so if a loyal fan has any say in it – YES! to another essay based book 🙂

  2. I can’t tell you how great it is to hear comments like that about a book you wrote. It’s the best possible thing. (Okay, immortality might be better.)

    I took the same attitude towards MBSR! “I have no idea if this is doing any good, but I’m going to do it for a while regardless and just see.” I still have to make myself do it every day, but I notice the difference in my life.

    And yes, totally see Beauty and the Beast. It’s mind blowingly great.

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