I Know I Keep Asking, But …

chimpbed.jpg This is a picture of a chimp named Jaybee. I went to the Save the Chimps website and saw this picture. He’d been living in a windowless cage for years, while horrible things were done to him. “Upon taking over the Coluston Foundation in September 2002, Save the Chimps founder Carole Noon discovered Jaybee alone in a small cage making a “nest” out of leftover monkey chow, arranging the small biscuits in a circle around himself before lying down. Dr. Noon’s heart broke and she immediately got Jaybee a bed sheet. Jaybee was thrilled; it seemed that he had ceased expecting both kindness from humans and the most basic physical comforts. Jaybee made a nest with the sheet and having no reason to expect he would ever receive another one, refused to give it up for three days (he kept the sheet clean and dry).”

I mean for the love of God. I think it’s our job to take care of the creatures of the earth. If you can please donate to Save the Chimps.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “I Know I Keep Asking, But …

  1. There is a new show they are advertising – I think it’s called “Escape to Chimp Eden”, and I have to turn away from the ad when it comes on. I can’t bear to see the images. The strength of character it must take to go into these situations… I don’t think I could deal with it. I am in awe of those who can. How, how, could anyone with a pulse do these things to another living creature??? I feel the same about puppy mills and, well you know all the awful situations out there. Makes me want to disown the human race. sigh. Ok, quick, post a cute Finney or Buddy story…

  2. I wish I was a billionaire just to donate to the millions of great charities out there. But alas I am not so I will do what I can do – Count me in – (now I want to adopt this chimp into my home!!)

  3. I’m experiencing chimp synchronicity. Today in the snail mail I got my tickets to hear Jane Goodall speak (next month), then I read this blog. My brother’s nickname when he was a kid was “Chimp.” His birthday is next month, and I’m thinking a donation in his name to Save the Chimps would be the perfect gift!

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

    Nadine, I’ve seen ads for that show and I’m like you. I can’t bear to watch it, I’m just grateful that these people exist who are helping them.

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