I Entered The American Idol Songwriters Contest!

Idolsong2.jpg I am officially entered in the American Idol Songwriters contest. When you submit your song they ask for a bio about you AND about your song, and they only give you 100 words! This is what I said:

Everything about me and my song comes down to this part of the lyrics:

“Nobody ever tells you when dreams come true,
that some of those dreams will be bad.
When life knocks you down again and again
And it seems like you’ll always be sad …

Start falling with your arms wide open …”

In other words, embrace uncertainty and failure and everything else along with the good things in life.

I’ve never written a song before, but I am a writer. Thank you for the opportunity. I had fun trying to write a song.

Okay, some of the time I fun. That part of the lyrics, by the way, came straight out of something that happened in my life, which I will explain later. Until I can figure out how to make the music audible in some way, here are the lyrics.

Falling With My Arms Wide Open

I’m falling with my arms wide open.
And I don’t know what happens next.
But it took everything I had just to get myself here,
and I’m ready for whatever comes next,
yes, I am ready for whatever comes next.

I push away from the table, yes the meal was fine.
The guests were funny and the wine divine.
Now it’s time to go home, and time to sleep
And dream this dream that I mean to keep.

And I’m falling with my arms wide open.
I don’t know what happens next.
But it took everything I had just to get myself here,
and I’m ready for whatever comes next,
yes, I am ready for whatever comes next.

Nobody ever tells you when dreams come true,
that some of those dreams will be bad.
When life knocks you down again and again
And it seems like you’ll always be sad …

Start falling with your arms wide open.
Because you don’t know what happens next.
You see it took everything I had, to make this dream come true,
and I’m ready for whatever comes next,
yes, I am ready for whatever comes next.
oh yes, I’m ready for whatever comes next.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “I Entered The American Idol Songwriters Contest!

  1. Love the phrase “falling with my arms wide open”.
    Perfect lyrics for American Idol 🙂

  2. Thank you for the pointer! I wish I had seen that before I tried writing a song. But that will help for next year … if I can work up the energy to try again.

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