Going Through the Copy Edits

Trying to anyway, but look who is all curled up on them. Am I moving him? No, I am taking pictures and posting about him. Could he be more adorable? (No.)

I went to the gym this morning. I’d be feeling pretty smug and virtuous right now if it weren’t for the mountain of potato chips I had after. Fuck it.

So You Think You Can Dance is on tonight. Travis Wall has got to be the sexist little thing on TV. Even dressed as an angry girl it came across. I loved Cooper Zamorano from last night, and the guy who danced like Gene Kelly. That hugging himself movement he did with his hips and shoulders!

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Going Through the Copy Edits

  1. I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance. My 78-year old mother watches it too, and once in a while I call her while the show is on, to comment on a particular performance. This is how the converstion goes just about every time:
    Me: Wasn’t that guy GREAT!!!
    Mom: That wasn’t DANCING.
    Me: Yes it was. He was moving his body rhythmically to the music.
    Mom: That wasn’t MUSIC.
    I hang up.

    Oh well. Don’t get her started on American (or Candadian) Idol.

    Belated happy birthday greetings, Stacy!

  2. Thank you!! That was funny about your mom. But isn’t So You Think You Can Dance GREAT??

    Mia Michaels is my favorite choreographer.

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