Birthday Status Report

Btop1.jpg Well, the few modest plans I had for today just did not work out.

First. My pampering thing (I always do a pampering thing) was to get my hair washed and blown dry, but the girl who washed my hair couldn’t get me out of the chair fast enough and the girl who blew it dry was actually quite nice, but distracted, chatting with others, took a phone call, stopped to sign for a package and took a couple of minutes, and the whole thing just did not have the right feel. I know, hardly the end of the world. I swear I moved on!

Second. People kept bashing into me on the street. I really can’t get over the rudeness of New Yorkers. We really suck sometimes. But since it kept happening to me I must be doing something to invite this. I think I might have had an emotional “kick me” sign on today.

Btop2.jpg Honestly, I forget what else went wrong, but I decided to pack it in and go to City Bakery and stock up on their great food and go home and watch movies. But City Bakery had nothing left when I got there, and the movies I downloaded aren’t any good. I am doing this post, for instance, instead of watching Jumper, which didn’t grab me. Oh, I was going to watch The Amazing Colossal Man for a nice nostalgia rush, but the download didn’t work.

I’m going to go look for a nice Denzel Washington movie to watch. What can go wrong with watching Denzel for a while?

The one good thing from today are all the nice birthday messages I got (loved the ecard Karen and family). I got lots of birthday email and calls and posts on my Facebook page and Echo. And these new tops from Anthropologie. This second one is much cuter than it looks in this shot, and I prefer it without the belt.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Birthday Status Report

  1. Happy Birthday, Stacy!

    And yeah, I’ve noticed people do bash into me more often these days. Part of it is rudeness, part of it is that I can’t skedaddle out of their way as quickly as I could 20 years ago.

    So I just pause for a second and stare at them until they get out of mine.

  2. Happy Birthday!!!! I have been down with this horrible, evil summer cold and similarly lamenting my advancing age. I have also been writing letters to serial killers on death row. Yeah, something isn’t quite right with me. Happy Birthday, Stacy! I hope you found something you enjoyed doing! Screw age, it’s really, really overrated.

  3. Thank you, Melinda and Alyssa. And Alyssa!! They are very bad men! Damaged, messed up guys! I hope you are using a P.O. Box for a return address!!

  4. Errrr, no I used my regular address. But I left off the apartment number, the mailman knows me. It’s okay, I sincerely doubt he will ever walk out of there.

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