Sometimes Beauty Hurts

Yesterday I was posting on Echo, “what to do, what to do,” and my friend Marisa said “come to Ikea and Costco with me!” I’d never been to either store before and I was curious. We had so much fun. I didn’t buy anything, but I took pictures of the sea of carts for the people who were there for other than sight-seeing.

More pictures below …

Afterwards we went out to brunch with her boyfriend Sinclair and saw his garden. This is the part that I refer to in the title of this post. I wish this was my garden. It was so beautiful it made me ache, and for some reason, his garden shed was the lightening rod for that feeling. I should have taken a picture of the inside too, because all the implements of gardening contributed to the feeling.

One more picture below.

At a certain point my camera started acting up, but I love the weird picture that it took of his garden. It’s like a painting. I mean, will you look at those colors. You can still make out the garden shapes. I believe that’s his fig tree on the right. I’m not sure. I’ll bet he could tell by the leaves though. Oh wait, it’s not the fig tree. That’s the fig tree to the right of the shed. Okay, I have no idea what it is.

It was a great morning. Marisa and Sinclair crack me up. Plus, they love cats. Insanely. Sinclair built a cat door for his.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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