Summer Movie Disappointment

Howard and I tried to see Dark Knight, but it was sold out, in the middle of the day! (This is a picture of people buying tickets at the machines while we sat and figured out our next move.) I’d rather see Mama Mia! anyway, to tell you the truth, but I haven’t made it to that either.

When does The Mummy and the X Files movie open? Soon I hope. I really should be working anyway. I’m putting together a presentation for my book so I’m collecting photographs from people. This really is a fun part. I’m asking the descendants of the people I’ve written about to send pictures if they can, and I’m just dying to see what some of them looked like.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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One thought on “Summer Movie Disappointment

  1. Mummy opens Aug 1, that’s next Friday.
    X Files opens tomorrow. Want to go with w/ M & me? Let us know. We could get tix tonight for tomorrow.

    M went @ 6 in the morning for Dark Knight in IMax. It was sold out – @ 6 in the morning!

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