The Loser’s Lounge Tribute to the Bee Gees

I went to the Loser’s Lounge with some friends last night.  I’ve written a lot about the Loser’s Lounge.  They’re in Waiting For My Cats to Die and I did a piece about them on NPR.  In short:  I love the Loser’s Lounge.  They pick an artist and then one great singer after another gets up on stage and does their songs.

This is Mike Fornatale, one of my favorites.  By the way, I didn’t necessarily take pictures of my favorites.  It was more a matter of “oh, I should take out my camera now,” and who was lit brighter.  I thought using the flash would be rude so these are all available light.

This is Michael Cerveris!  Aside from being very well known as a singer, he is in the new tv show Fringe! He plays this creepy and mysterious guy, it was fun to see him.  He sang lovingly to this paper bag and near the end of the song pulled out his Tony award.  The way he did it was very charming.  I’m now a big Michael Cerveris fan.

This is David Driver and Maggie Moore.  David Driver also happens to be a big favorite.  I saw his first Loser’s Lounge appearance and was blown away.  He’s also terribly charming and he was in great form last night.

I forget who this is!!  I love her dress though.  Sorry!

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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