I Really Must Make Up My Mind

Should I plan a book party? There was a time when the book publisher threw a book party for you, and I’m guessing for some authors they still do, but for the most part this is a thing of the past. If you want a party you have to throw it yourself, which means you have to spend the $$$. I’m planning a few events to launch the book, but not a party per se, although I was thinking I might have a cocktail party after whichever event ends up happening. (I don’t want to say what the events are until I know which one is happening.)

It’s just that planning such a party is so anxiety producing for me.  Finding a place.  What will I wear?  I hate shopping and finding the right dress might mean going to a billion places over weeks.  It took forever to find the Agnes B. dress I wore to my last book party above.  And that’s the dress that is now at the St. Luke’s Thrift Shop. Will anyone come? Always a big fear of mine.

Oh it’s just endless.  I’d love to skip it.  It’s also my fourth book.  For my friends it might be kinda like going to someone’s fourth wedding.  Enough already.  Do we have to make a big deal about this every time it happens?

(The picture of me giving a speech at my last book party was taken by Ben Rosengart.  The speech!  Another thing to get all anxious about.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “I Really Must Make Up My Mind

  1. Did you pause and let a big grin spread across your face after you typed “It’s also my fourth book.”?
    Would the party be mainly a promotional event? If not, I say who needs to add optional stress to life? Gather a few of your nearest and dearest and treat yourself to a nice intimate dinner out.

  2. I think you should have no qualms about wearing the Agnes B. again. New jewelry and shoes will make it feel special.

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