The New Look!

What do you think? My friend Jackie Broner gave my blog a new look today! I’m making this blog my main website, so is going to point to here from now on (when I’m done).

I’ve been working for hours adding new pages and tinkering. I can’t get over how long things take even though editing and uploading pictures has been greatly simplified compared to the old days.

Thank you Jackie!! I think it looks great. Nice and bright. I’ve got a little more space here, so I can have slightly bigger pictures. I could have gone a teeny bit wider with this one.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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9 thoughts on “The New Look!

  1. Very nice…the pics of Finney and Buddy capture their personalities perfectly! I love all of the “white space” too!

  2. It looks fantastic! Very sophisticated. The eye contact that Buddy and Finney have with the reader is very intriguing (sorry if I’m not making sense… I’m tired and it’s not even 11 pm!).

  3. Thank you thank you! I’m so excited by the new make-over. I love how it looks. My friend Jackie did such a great job.

  4. Thank you! I had fun creating the “Social Network” page. I should upload some of the pictures I decided not to use.

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