Collyer Conditions in a Car

I was talking about Collyer conditions not too long ago—that’s the name the FDNY gives to apartments so filled with junk and piles of newspapers, etc., they have trouble moving around. It’s from the Collyer Brothers (you can google them for the whole sad story).  Well, I passed a car that was packed like that, except for the driver’s seat.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Collyer Conditions in a Car

  1. That was MY car yesterday! ‘Cept it was with Christmas presents for our adopted families. 🙂 I felt like if I breathed too hard, the whole car would explode.

  2. My dad used to invoke the Collyer brothers, when I was a kid and my room was messy.
    Funny thing, although I occasionally have had clutter issues, for some reason my car is always neat.

  3. This car was sad. It was filled with piles of newspapers, and garbage mostly. I wondered if someone might live in that car.

    And Nicole, a car full of presents sounds so nice and happy.

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