Christ. Obama Brings Tears to My Eyes.

I just turned on my tv and heard Barack Obama yell out, “Hello Baltimore!”  And my eyes just immediately welled up.  The past eight years have been that bad.  I wasn’t even watching.  I’m working and I’m at the point where I can tolerate background noise, and it was just the sound of this voice.  I’m going to be glued to my tv on Tuesday.

I don’t really have an appropriate picture to fit this post.  So here is Finney, reminding me that he is still as evil as always and Obama cannot save me from him. In truth, he was only yawning.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Christ. Obama Brings Tears to My Eyes.

  1. Oh, read the letter to his daughters in this week’s Parade. I sniffled all the way through.

    And I heard him yell “Hello, Delaware!” on the nightly news and thought “yeS! Just a few more days …”

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