Today We Melt

I’m feeding a friend’s cats and watering their plants for the next few days while they’re away. Here is my puzzle – they live all the way east, I live all the way west, and it’s about a 40 minute walk. I should do it this morning, before it reaches a billion degrees, but I also want to go swimming. (My swimming window is 10 – 10:45am, after that it’s kids doing cannonballs.)

If I wait and walk over after swimming I might melt on the way over. I had a nightmare about dying by melting as a child. Seriously, I did. I think it was a result of a science fiction movie I saw. The point is I’ve never recovered.

So my choices are swim and melt, or walk and miss my swimming window.

UPDATE: I just realized they left this morning so it doesn’t make sense to go now, I should wait until the end of the day, in the high heat, when I will SURELY MELT.

Nuns walking in the heat yesterday.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Today We Melt

  1. Every morning at 10 we have the Changing of the Guard on Parliament Hill here in Ottawa. Young men and women marching back and forth in precise lines WEARING BEARSKIN HATS, WOOL JACKETS AND TROUSERS AND HEAVY BLACK LEATHER BOOTS. (Sorry, not yelling… just highlighting their inappropriate clothing). A plum summer job, to be one of the Governor General’s Footguards. You couldn’t pay me enough.

  2. Thank God you guys are saying it. I was going to make a “nun melting head” joke, but the years of Catholic school, I just couldn’t.

    Nora, Christ. There isn’t a summer version of the uniform??

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