Live Blogging the Inauguration

My president is cool, is a reader and a thinker! Oh happy day!

So, I went to for the live stream and it’s hooked up to Facebook and my friend’s status reports are automatically showing up on the right. I’m getting everyone else’s live-comments as a result.  Kinda cool, except the video stream isn’t working for me. It’s so great.  Everyone I know is rejoicing, watching tv about it, twittering about it, FB’ing about it, Echo’ing about it.

Oh!  CNN’s live stream is working for me now!  I’ve got the front of the church now.

Okay, off to see how else I can hook up.  I’ll be back.  My plan is to keep updating this post and not to keep adding posts.

Two and a half more hours!!

9:34am.  Someone on Echo just posted about Michelle’s outfit, but I haven’t seen it yet!  Must find.

9:38am.  Found a blog about Michelle Obama’s outfits, but they don’t have a shot of what she wore to church yet.

10:12am.  I can’t decide who I want to marry more, Barack, Michelle or Joe Biden (sorry Jill, haven’t caught enough to fall in love yet, but I love your resume).

10:20am.  I highly recommend watching the live stream from  The chatter of the people there is hysterical, the people working, I mean, the news people, camera people, etc.

10:38am.  I am loving loving loving all the live Twitters, Facebook status reports, Echo.  I can’t be connected enough!!

11:08am.  Everyone is calling Cheney Mr. Potter now. Hahahahaha.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Live Blogging the Inauguration

  1. I’m surfing the channels trying to decide where to land… maybe I’ll just pick 2 or 3 and flick back and forth… Decisions decisions. And I’ve already gone through a handful of tissues. I can’t even seem to look at them without tearing up!

  2. I actually got a ticket but I definitely would’ve seen more if I’d stayed home. oh, well, I biked down and stood in line for hours. there was zero (absolutely zero) crowd control in the area I was in and though people were all happy and cooperative none of us knew what was going on. I’d guess I was one of thousands of ticket holders who didn’t get in. I did get to listen to the speech on a street vendor’s radio which seemed just right and it’s fun biking in d.c. with all the cars gone.

  3. They talked about you guys a lot on the news — you had tickets but didn’t get in. I would have cried. But maybe also like you I would have tried to make the best of it.

    Nadine, yeah. Sigh.

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