I Thought I Was Caught Up

But I’m not.  I’m feeling completely frazzled and how am I going to finish all things I need to get done??

I shouldn’t complain.  All the things I have to do are in support of something I love to do: writing. I just worry that I won’t get them done, won’t do a good job, and yesterday for the first time it occurred to me: what am I going to wear to all these things I’m scheduling??  This just occurs to me now??  What, did I stop being a girl or something?

This gas pump sits in a lot on the corner of Hudson and Charles.  Or is it 10th?  (My brain is useless these days.) The lot was owned by one of the most hated landlords in the Village, who has since died.  It’s a terrible waste of space, although I would hate to have some ugly building going up in its place.

Live West Village of NYC Update:  It’s snowing!  Yay!! Our choir director already sent out email reminding us that we never cancel for weather and rehearsal is still on.  (The only day he ever cancelled was 9/11.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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