Coast to Coast AM With George Noory

I wanted to post a link to the show I was on from 2 – 5 in the morning, Coast to Coast AM With George Noory. You can listen to last night’s show, but you have to join and become a member, which I now am. He was such a gracious host! And now that I’ve written this book I’m very curious to hear more about that kinds of topics covered on this show.

It’s not exclusively paranormal, by the way.  The first show I listened to was about the banking crisis.

I’m not sure what block I was on when I took this picture.  42nd Street?  41st?  I was on my way to the NPR studio.  I think of the two buildings as beauty and the best, but the beauty in this case is the building with the gargoyles, and the beast is that thing next to it on the left.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Coast to Coast AM With George Noory

  1. Yes, I couldn’t agree more. Why are modern things so accursedly ugly? Running shoes are the worst, though not large. There really isn’t any Need for they to look like Star Wars bath tubs you know. Bicycle helmets are even uglier, but not as common. Who created this aesthetic, and can’t they be publicly put to death?

  2. I would say that what C2C covers … is anything that has to do with “the reality we don’t (usually) see with our eyes”….

    and that can vary..anything from UFOs to ..conspiracies … to of course ..the paranormal…..

    you were great….

  3. Thank you, Jeff. And that’s a great description of the show. I meant to say something like that! Because even though they were covering the banking crisis, it was different.

    And Lee, ha!! You are serious about your design issues!

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