Everyone Keep an Eye on NYC While I’m Gone

Please keep it clean. (That’s a picture I took after the last snowfall. I didn’t put up that sign!)

I’m leaving in a couple of hours for Durham.  I’ll be back late Saturday night. But it’s not like I’ll be going anywhere virtually.  I will have internet access in my hotel.  The famous Extended Stay hotel I was in last time.

I had promised myself that when I returned to Durham I’d stay at the Washington Duke, but, well, financial crisis! So back to the Extended Stay it is.  I will treat myself to something nice while I’m there.

Something from Target, perhaps?  (I was fascinated by the giant Target across the street from my hotel.)

I keep thinking about the massive amount of TV that I’ll have to catch up on when I get back.  I miss my cats already (who are going to be taken care of by my wonderful neighbors Malik and Beth, mostly Malik, thank you Malik!).

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Everyone Keep an Eye on NYC While I’m Gone

  1. Sracy, I hope you enjoy your return to Dixie as much as Iam enjoying your book. I bought a copy Saturday at my local Barnes n Nobles. They had it with the new non-fiction. Mina Crandon, what a trip! Sounds like she would make for a very special ight out.


  2. Stacy:
    I KNOW I should be saying wonderful things about your book (which I HAVE bought from Amazon but haven’t started yet) but what your post REALLY made me want to say is:
    I WANT A TARGET HERE IN CANADA!!!! Well, OK, probably more than one because we ARE the second largest country in the world but there should at least be one in Ottawa…
    I hope you are a hit in Durham and find something good at Target.

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