
Forgive me, but if you’ve read my book and if you like it, please go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and post a review. There’s only one (thank you Teresa).

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

A million times, thank you.

(I hate to ask.)

(But it’s murder out there people.)

I’m going to go crawl under the covers and hide now.

With a cat or two.

That reminds me, there’s like four new tv shows premiering this week that look good.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “Groveling

  1. Hi Stacy,
    I promise to leave a review as soon as I read your book.
    I just found out that Eliza Jumel had a summer home in Saratoga Springs, just a couple of blocks from here. As soon as the weather clears up a bit, I’m going to walk over and check it out.

  2. Will do! Give me about 10-14 days. Lots going down right now. Prayers for you…

  3. I noticed that your book is available on Kindle (but waiting for my cat’s to die isn’t) — I’m curious did you have to give special permission for this? Do you get less for ebook sales? Do you have an opinion about the Kindle? (I’m dying for one, even though I’m a big book person).

  4. Will write one up as soon as I’m done. Had already planned to be done but it’s been a little crazy.

    Definitely enjoying it so far!

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