American Idol Round-Up

I’m still not sold on Adam, he never seems real to me, he always comes off like a kid playing dress-up. It’s been said before about him, but I really do feel like I’m watching a play and he’s an actor playing an singer and not a singer, even though he can really sing.

But that was a really great rendition of Mad World last night. Great doesn’t cover it. It was perfection. (Except that last note which he recovered.)

I’m amazed at how much Kris is growing on me. He’s not the best singer, but he’s good and he has presence. A quieter presence. I really enjoy watching him, and listening to him. I would enjoy him more if he was singing better songs. And that really was the worst song choice of all time last night. I really question his judgement. Paula said it, there was like two notes in the whole piece. But he’s adorable. And smoldering.

My favorites are him and Allison and Danny and now Adam with reservations. Lil has the best make-over.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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