How on earth is acting like a total dick on national tv good for records sales?? I’m thinking he doesn’t even have a manager, that this was all his idea. I mean he was just such a total, relentless dick. This is not going to translate into sales.
Anyway. I’m thinking the extreme balloon close-up didn’t really work. They looked better from afar.
Yesterday was a good day except I was reading the case files from a 1920 murder of a 17 year old girl. There were letters in the file between her and a young man in Connecticut that were miserably upsetting. Here she was, being a 17 year old, all happy and excited, still quite child-like but trying to act grown-up and sophisticated, and to know that she never got to grow up. Ugh. I also felt bad for the young man who had a huge crush on her. The police of course contacted him, but ruled him out immediately. Imagine developing a crush on this girl you met from the city, having the kind of dreams he probably had and then to get a call from the police that she has been murdered. To learn so young how horrible the world can be.
I wonder what the rest of his life was like? (I will of course try to find out.)