I Can’t See Them But I know They’re Out There

And so he waits, faithfully. My cats are all about the birds now. The poor birds must feel like it’s a trap. No sooner do they land and start eating when a cat rushes at the window. The braver ones, like in the picture below with Buddy, stare. It’s like a bird/cat stand off.


BIRDS: Do we dare come closer?
BUDDY: Sure. What could go wrong?


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “I Can’t See Them But I know They’re Out There

  1. Do your cats sing with birds? Some do. One of my four cats sometimes do.
    Our long lost cat Coo sang really really well whenever he saw the birds. Too sorry he decided to go his way leaving our home to find his new one by himself. I really hope he did.
    After he went out, I finally decided to keep all our cats in my house and not let them go out when they feel like. Not Japanese tradition, but better for cats and birds.

  2. Oh, how sad. Yeah, it’s a tough decision, keeping them indoors or letting them out. Both have pluses and minuses.

    Where in Japan are you?

  3. I am living in the old section of central Tokyo, the kind of part you would love in Manhattan. Very interesting area, with Universities, museums, handcraft factories, zoo, park and small crowded houses.

  4. Oh wow. I really should get out and see the world. Japan (and India) are up there on my list.

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