
I like the finches best.  I guess I’m all about the little guy.  I have another bird problem that I need to get suggestions for, but I have to take another picture to explain. I’ll do that later.

So!  What’s up for today?  I’m supposed to go out to Brooklyn to hear music this afternoon, but I have no idea where, and only roughly when. It’s been quite the Brooklyn weekend for me.  I was at a party last night in Willamsburg.  It was at the apartment of an old high school friend’s son and his girlfriend. The sons (she has two) and the girlfriend are all incredibly sweet and charming people.

God I’m tired.  For no good reason really.  For some reason swimming just popped into my head.  I flashed on this image of floating lazily in the water somewhere, then swimming at a I’ve-got-all-the-time-in-the-world pace.  I love swimming and I haven’t gone swimming for real since my twenties.  I had one brief swimming experience not too long ago at the Carmine Street Pool that was not good.  I got out of breath quickly, not surprisingly since I hadn’t been swimming in so long, but it was a public pool and all these people were behind me doing laps so I couldn’t stop or go at whatever pace I wanted.  It was a bit nightmarish.  Plus they make you wear a bathing cap.  The image that flashed in my mind was of someplace Bermuda-ish, it was warm, lush, blue, and I was not out of breath.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Morning

  1. And the bird problem is? I’m ready and waiting to help out. . .

    The other problem sounds like something a good nap might fix.

  2. If you’ve got a willing friend with a car, or can get a Zipcar, you can drive up to Fahnestock State Park — straight up the Taconic to Rte. 301, near Cold Spring, maybe an hour and a half from the city — and there’s this fabulous lake for swimming. Beaver Pond, maybe? The Parks Dept. should be able to steer you in the right direction, because it’s one of those things where you park on the side of the road and hike a mile and a half in, but I saw a trail map floating around so I know they give ’em out somewhere.

    Anyway — blue, clear, not too gross on the bottom, and the perfect temperature. I went with friends and dogs and just floated around on my back for an hour straight, and it was (almost) better than the Bahamas. Cheaper, anyway.

  3. Ohmygod, that sonds great! I’m going to ask a friend who does the zipcar thing.

    Karen, thank you! Going to post later hopefully!

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