Lisa, a librarian from Madison, Wisconsin and ex-New Yorker, saved the musical day!!  The song I was looking for was When This is Through by Rotor Jambreks (I’m checking out other songs by them and I really love them).    Thank you, Lisa!  I got it from itunes and I’m listening to it right NOW.

In my very clean apartment.  It doesn’t look any different, does it?  I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned for days. Technically, you could eat dinner off the floor underneath the couch (which is insane I know) but it doesn’t look a bit different!  It feels different though. There’s nothing like the feel of a freshly completely cleaned home.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “THANK YOU, LISA!!!

  1. I agree on the grand feeling of a truly clean home. I’m in the process of a move, and my house is now a nightmare. Decluttering involved, and oh, the shame of my closets. Do I NEVER throw anything away?!

  2. Ha! But that is the best part of moving. How it makes you go through everything and start to pare down.

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