Live From My Roof

I know dreams are boring, but I just have to post about this terrible dream I had the other night. I’ll be brief!

There was this massive fire downtown. A few of the tallest buildings were completely consumed and started to topple. Suddenly the fire spread and enveloped all the buildings downtown and they started falling. Then the fire wooshed up all the avenues, shooting out into all the sidestreets and like that, New York was on fire. I stood looking out my window knowing there was no escape. The streets below me were full of fire. I could run to the roof and buy myself a few more minutes, but what would be the point of that? We were all going to die and it was happening so fast no one was going to be able to save us.

I don’t know what could cause something like what I saw, if anything.

There’s more, like the guilt I felt for momentarily thinking of leaving my cats and seeing if I could make it to the river. I want to post this dream just in case, God forbid, it came true. I want to make sure I get credit for foreseeing it.

What a wet blanket I am! Well, here’s a winter wonderland.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Live From My Roof

  1. Happy New Year, Stacy! And don’t worry, this dream won’t come true 🙂 Looking forward to your posts in 2010! Warm wishes from Michigan!

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