I Love the Bronx Part 1

I went uptown to look for a haunted house, but ended up taking a million pictures of my future fantasy retirement home. There’s too many for one post so I’ll split them up. I found a pocket of houses along Spuyten Duyvil Creek, just east of the Spuyten Duvil Bridge, along Edsall Avenue I believe it was.


Some were in good shape.


This was a shack that I ‘m guessing belongs to the MTA, (it was not far from a train stop) but I’d love to fix it up and live there. It was right smack dab on the river, and I like small, simple spaces.


I climbed down through the woods to the train tracks. This is a shot from the Bronx looking towards Manhattan. Oh yeah. That’s Manhattan. Sigh. I want to live here. Or have a second home here. More to come.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “I Love the Bronx Part 1

  1. I saw a “Private” sign once hand painted to read “Traspessers will bee violated”. No it wasn’t even in the South and I didn’t stick around to see if bees were somehow involved…

    Careful around those tracks – I read somewhere (ok, it WAS you) that lots of NYers died “hit by train”.

  2. Good point. I’m on the 5th floor of a walk-up now. I need to get away from the climbing.

    Rick, ha about the train. I was nervous just standing there. “Can the train suck me in when it goes by,” I thought.

  3. Actually, a fast train might be able to cause you to fall toward it. My husband once rode a bicycle through New Brunswick and he got stuck on a highway full of logging trucks all doing 60 mph. He could feel the bow wave of air as they approached him, pushing him off the road. And then when they were beside him, he had to fight his handlebars the other way, to keep from being drawn in to them. Talk about scary stuff. He lived. Whew.

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