
I still haven’t quite got the hang of how one has a full time job and also writes a book. I’ve done this before though, so I know it’s do-able. But at the moment, I’m feeling severely stressed. I have today and tomorrow off and while I desperately feel like relaxing (I worked six days in a row and overtime) I have a ton of work to do.

Sigh. I took this the other day on the way to work. I couldn’t come back later to see what they movie or tv show they were setting up a shoot for, alas!


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Stressed

  1. I sympathize with you.

    I gave up the idea of trying to write professionally when I found out that only a couple of hundred American authors make a living writing. Everybody else has to work part time.

    We know one gal who has published over a dozen romance novels. While she was still married, she could write full time. After the divorce she had to return to teaching school.

    Now she finds it necessary to divide her time among lesson plans, grading papers, school functions, and trying to get her head screwed on well enough to write. Somehow I suspect that writing is not going to play as large a role in her life. (And this is after over a dozen published books.)

  2. I’m hanging in there. Every book I think this is the book that will take off and sell!

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