Bad Days

Buddy is not doing well. I knew he was on borrowed time. Yesterday, the vet said this may not be it yet, so I am trying to be hopeful but he was worse this morning. I’m going to call the vet again today. I tried to relax last night, watch some tv but all my favorite shows went with horribly upsetting season finales. Grey’s Anatomy?? Good god. I mean, very well done, but I so did not want harrowing and it was harrowing. And Bones, wtf does this mean for next season?

More new and poignant goodbyes on the St. Vincent’s wall. I so don’t want to say goodbye to another cat.



Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “Bad Days

  1. Oh Stacy…thinking of you and your dear Buddy and praying that he “rallies” again.

  2. Hi Stacy –

    I’m sending good thoughts your way. I hope Buddy’s comfortable. I think you’ve done just about all you can. He’s had good days and bad days, and when the bad start to overwhelm the good, it gets really hard.

    Much love to you both.


  3. That didn’t come out the way I intended – I’m sorry. What I meant to express is that you have been loving and kind to Buddy every step together, and he feels that every day. You have done everything in your power to keep him happy and comfortable, and will continue to do what you both feel is right. No matter what, he knows you love him.

  4. Stacy, it is very obvious what a caring person you are to both Buddy and Finney. And they feel that care – it’s more important than any vet or medicine. Please remember to take equally good care of yourself. I am saying prayers for all three of you.

  5. Stacy I am so sorry to hear that Buddy’s not doing so well now. I am going through the same thing with one of my lovely kitties who has cancer, and this is the second time in less than a year (my other boy died last Sept.), so I know what you’re up against right now and it’s harrowing and horrible.
    Every day that they are still with us is a gift.

    Thinking of you,
    Lisa G. in Canada

  6. Thank you all for all your comments. I’d love to hear more about what people are going through and went through. I’ve been through it before but I always feel insecure about whether or not I’m doing to right thing or enough. And I always tell people who write me that feeling that way seems to be unavoidable.

    Melissa, I knew exactly what you meant in your first comment, you said it well!

    And Lisa, that what I went through the last time. My two cats died within a year of each other. (Like old couples.) I’m sorry you’re going through this too. I’m looking at Finney now. I recently switched him to expensive, grain-free food. I also have to start exercising him. I haven’t gotten to it because of Buddy.

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